Holy moley!! First two weeks of parenthood?!
Welcome to your entire world being thrown clear upside down! Its been amazing, exhausting, incredible and the hardest thing I have ever done in my entire life.
I love this little human being so much and I understand that she is learning this world as much as I am learning about her everyday. I could do it again in a heartbeat.
But let me tell you, it’s hard. Your life literally revolves around this little being who sleeps, cries, feeds, poops and struggles to burps.
Having a baby is when you start to celebrate the things you would normally be disgusted by, celebrating poops and hoorah-ing burps.
And you wonder if your baby has colic but they don’t. You want to call or go and see the paediatrician for every little thing, and you kind of do.
Lack of sleep is real, it’s real and killer and it’s going to stay. You cannot withdraw from the sleep ATM of life. You just survive. When the baby cries or needs you, you forget every ounce of tiredness you have and you just do, you do what you can to figure out what they need and you try to fulfil that need. And then stare into this little being’s eyes or touch all of their teeny tiny features and you fall deeper in love every second. You don’t know what sleep is, but you know what love is. Deep, incredible, unimaginable love.