…part two, and those salted caramel chocolate tarts.

As promised, here’s my follow-up and my salted caramel choc tart recipe. I will keep it brief, Eid-ul-Fitr breezed by, brekkie at my sister, lunch at mum and supper at my place. And two days recovery were needed after all that food. Remember that mealie bread I made a while back? it made a few appearances during Ramadhan, I feel like I didn’t get enough of it but I’m still hoarding the last bit in the freezer, what do I do? I need to eat it but I have anxiety thinking it’s getting finished. Hahaha It’s a no-win situation.

and time just flew by…..work, home, sleep, work, home, sleep, work, home, sleep, worrrrkk, hommmmee….and another wedding! I posted these on instagram and facebook and got a few requests for the recipe. So here it is…


what an easy peasy recipe…Salted Caramel Chocolate Tarts

and the best part? You can freeze these perfectly! Filled or even just the empty tart cases, freeze in an airtight container, thaw at room temperature, not in the fridge.

I use this dough for my baklava tarts, lemon meringue tarts, milktarts…..practically everything!

The tart dough is called pâte sucré, oh how very french of us, a sweet tart dough that’s perfect for all thing yummilicious, think, pecan tarts, lemon meringue etc. etc. the possibilities are endless.

My recipe comes from Melanie Pillay of Luvies Bakery, a lady who is always happy to share what she knows.

Pâte Sucré

200g softened butter,

100 castor sugar

1 beaten egg

300 g all purpose flour

2 tsp Vanilla Essence

Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the egg and combine. Add the flour and vanilla essence and mix to form a soft dough. Do not overmix. Cling wrap and place in fridge to firm before use.

When cool, press into greases fluted mini pans, or large fluted pan, or any pan of your liking.

Then it’s the fun part. You can either fill with filling such as pecan pie filling, custard, baklava, coconut, etc. and bake on 180 until done or you can blind bake the tarts, weighed down by baking beads, until halfway baked, pull out, remove baking beads and bake until done.

Remove, cool and fill with any sweet filling as desired.

I bake them, cool them and then start with adding the salted caramel and chocolate filling.


For the caramel: (use the cheat version, its quick and easy)

1 tin caramel treat

Salt to taste

Combine and taste until you’re happy. Add a dollop to the bottom of each mini tart case.

Chocolate filling:

I used a typical thick chocolate ganache,

250ml fresh cream

300g chocolate cut into chunks.

Gently heat the cream and pour over the chocolate chunks, stand for a minute or two then stir to combine.

*hint* add a dash of orange zest to the chocolate ganache, it sends these tarts to the next level!! Omnomnom!

Let it set, decorate as desired, an extra swirl of salted caramel is delicious! Serve. (Remember to hide a few away for late night snacking, because it’s almost guaranteed that there will be none left if you serve them all at once to your guests….hahahaha)




P.s. I’ll be back soon! Another recipe coming soon plus the Eid ul Adha pics!



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