Chicken Kebabs in wraps

Mushroom Sauce Chicken Kebab Wraps

Make chicken kebabs with:

1/2 kg chicken mince

one slice white bread soaked with one egg

salt & pepper

green masala

crushed jeeru

freshly ground garlic and a dash of lemon juice

Bblend together.

Oil your hands and roll into thick fingers, place on baking sheet and bake til done. Can be frozen now.
When you want to serve, make a mushroom sauce with cut mushrooms, fresh cream, salt, pepper and garlic butter.
Add kebabs to mushroom sauce to warm up well.
When ready it’s time to serve.
Buy tortilla wraps and cut into 4’s. Prepare as per the packet.

To serve : spread a little green chutney on one triangle, spoon some mushroom sauce and one kebab, wrap closed and pin down with a toothpick.

You can use puri instead of tortilla wraps.



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