Tonight I just couldn’t decide what to make….so out came the quick and easy protein…chicken 🙂
I didn’t want to over complicate things so I kept the ingredients to a minimum.
Chop 3-4 chicken fillets into cubes/thin shavings
Add it to a medium pot with:
2 tblsp olive oil
1/2tsp crushed garlic
1/2 tsp turmeric
Braise well.
In the meantime, to a bowl add:
4 tblsp plain thick yoghurt
3 tsp almond powder (usually for butter chicken…..ground cashews are preferred but I didn’t want to grind cashews so I cheated)
1/2 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp flour
Make a smooth paste. Now add:
125ml fresh cream (or more if you like)
Add the mixture to your chicken and cook well.
Just before serving, add some chopped coriander.
Serve with hot roti or butter naan
~ Fehmz ~